Saturday, December 22, 2012

The 12 Blogs of Christmas: Part 8 "The George Bailey"

"Hey Greg... I want a big one!

Because this is a "pub" blog, I felt like it was fitting that I should share with you the recipe to one of my favorite holiday drinks. I invented this cup of Christmas spirits in honor of my favorite Christmas movie. So enough yappin'! Let's get pourin'!

This is The George Bailey!

Here's what you'll need:
1 oz     - Bailey's Irish Cream (because it is a George "Bailey")

1/4 oz  - Jim Beam (because George Bailey is played by "Jimmy" Stewart)
"Please, please put coconut in it... HOT DOG!!!"
1/4 oz - Coconut Rum (because of that scene at the beginning of the movie where little George says to little Mary, "You don't like coconuts!? Look here brainless! Don't you know where coconuts come from?"... Great scene.)

1/4 oz  - Peppermint Schnapps
2 oz     - Chocolate Milk (because peppermint and chocolate tastes like Christmas)

Here's what you do:
Combine Bailey's, Jim, coconut rum, schnapps, and chocolate milk into a shaker half filled with ice. Shake contents for 15 seconds or until arm is tired. Pour strained contents into a small glass. Drink and enjoy!

It should taste like a chocolate-mint milk shake with a little bit of kick. I recommend enjoying this drink while watching the real George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life. After a few of these, your life will probably be feeling pretty wonderful.
"Hello, Bedford Falls... I'm drunk!"
Merry Christmas!

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